Alignment with God

When you fall short of your expectations and make mistakes, do you shrink back and isolate yourself from God and people? Or do you get up, realign yourself to God and keep moving? This is a real struggle for some people. They can’t get something right, or they didn’t get what they wanted, or they made a mistake, and they respond by shrinking back. But the Bible says that God’s grace is sufficient for you and His power is being perfected [and is completed and shows itself most effectively] in [your] weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).

Do you want some things more than you want God? If you go after God as much as you go after other things, do you realize those other things would come with ease? So it’s really not an issue of not knowing how to seek, because you do seek other things with all your mind, heart, and strength. If you surrendered your desires to God and went all in for more of God, imagine what God can give you? Are you allowing your desires to dictate how you seek God? Are you begging for things that God says is yours already, but you are unwilling to seek His face? 

I see this happening all the time where people surrender their desires, they go after Jesus with their whole heart and they are not consumed with their desires. They become consumed with knowing and experiencing Jesus more intimately. They recognize His voice, they are led by the sound of His voice, they desire nothing more than to be obedient to Him, they fully understand now that their heart, will, emotions, etc, are totally submitted to Him, and they are confident that God wants them to be obedient because He has the best for them! This story always ends like this: They find all the things that their soul loves. My brothers and sisters, please meditate on the power of a renewed mind, because this is how you will ever truly know the good, pleasing and perfect will of the Father!

So you may encounter some things that make you afraid or doubtful, but when you’re in purpose, you don’t have to worry. Sometimes you can’t see beyond what’s in front of you because there is a lack of obedience there. So now you’re confused and asking, “What do I do?” Do the last thing He told you to do. 

Who you are and what you do is by the grace of Jesus. Sounds like bliss and rest! Does it make sense? Not always. That’s okay, because I’m not leaning on my own understanding, but His. And if His words are wisdom and understanding, then His words to me are my highest prize. So my heart cries out, “Seek His face! Your face, Lord, I will seek.” A single day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. May our hearts desire the joy of the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.


God loves to listen - Written by Atsuko Sibuya


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