
You may send a testimonial via email or by clicking Contact in the menu above.

  • I had the privilege of attending two ATFT retreats and both were wonderful. Raesh is a woman after God's own heart and through the ATFT ministry, she provides a much needed space (spiritual, mental and physical) to assist with winding down and focusing on what's most important..Jesus. The retreats offer the opportunity to commune and fellowship with others over a meal, receive spiritual nourishment through the Word of God and bask in the presence of the Lord. It's obvious that Raesh is directed by and flows with Holy Spirit as she leads the participants with a Word-packed message straight from the Father's heart, followed by praise and worship, prayer and a time of reflection. Every retreat is different, but every detail of the event (from the colors to the message) are a manifestation of time spent in prayer and seeking the Lord. If you haven't experienced an ATFT retreat, I highly recommend it as Raesh is a phenomenal host and teacher. With an open heart and sincere expectation from the Lord, it will be an impactful and transformative spiritual experience you will not soon forget.


  • I have been so touched and encouraged by the Lord through Raesh’s ministry. Her prayer hour and At The Father’s table events are a place of refreshment and filling for me. As someone who leads a ministry, it is such a gift to be poured into by the Holy Spirit. Raesh is both anointed and humble and her love and desire for Jesus inspire me to press in for more!


  • My experience with ATFT is that of purity, deep, beautiful true love for our Father. Raesh is an amazing host and only desires what is the will of God. She flows effortlessly in the love of Holy Spirit as she ministers to others. And only the true Word of God is the foundation of the messages shared. Come and join us if you seek the love of our living God the Father.


  • I was broken when I met Raeshma but oh how the Lord has used her. For at least a year she has faithfully been praying for me and ministering to me as well as others. She devotes her whole life to serving Jesus. This includes husband, family and teaching in person and livestream to many hungry souls. May God bless her big time!


  • For the past seven years, going on eight, the Lord removed me from the brick-and-mortar building and placed me under His Holy Spirit.

    I study God's word daily, witness, fellowship, mentor, counsel, and anything to do with His Kingdom. However, I found myself desperately in need of God's word spoken through someone else other than His word alone: Matthew 4:4: "Man shall not live on bread alone." Therefore, I searched for Christian podcasts and, eventually, a Christian livestream, where I found a couple of Christian YouTubers, but I immediately discerned the absence of the Holy Spirit.

    The Lord led me to Raeshma's live-stream, and I saw the humility, joy, peace, and gentleness (the characteristics of the fruit), and most of all, the anointing of God's Holy Spirit upon her.

    Raeshma is the first person in years I've listened to or participated in someone's Bible study, not because I know everything or because I don't have a teachable Spirit; it's hard finding someone who genuinely loves the Lord and who has actual knowledge and understanding of the Truth.

    I join Raeshma's studies because the Lord has and is using her as a provision to me during this season, reminding me of what I know, teaching me things I didn't, and prophesying the things to come.

    In conclusion, I would describe my sister, Raeshma, as Proverbs 31 Virtuous Wife, whereas I'm confident her husband, Abhi, would agree!


  • I have had the honor and privilege to be a part of Raesh's livestream teachings for several months. These sessions have been truly a great blessing to me. Raesh is an amazing, anointed teacher. The teachings glorify Jesus and explain the Word of God with clarity, wisdom, and understanding. The sessions have created in me a greater hunger and appreciation for the scriptures.

    I highly recommend the livestream to anyone with a desire to grow, learn, and draw closer to the Lord.
