There’s More! God wants to increase our capacity to receive more of Him

2 Chronicles 5:14

“The priests could not continue their service because of the cloud, for the glorious presence of the LORD filled the Temple of God.”

This is my heart’s cry and this is the Lord’s desire for the At the Father’s Table ministry. I just want to adore Jesus, and I want to see others adoring Him too.

If you’re hungry for God’s presence, come to an At the Father’s Table retreat. We’ll have a meal together at the table before we spend time in worship. My desire and mandate is to host His presence, and lead people into the gift of stewarding His presence.

It looks like dependence on Him.

It looks like our souls being watered.

It looks like His touch replacing talk. Just like the above verse says.

The first one was on January 21, and it was a blessing to many who came. But my heart cries for more. There’s more to receive when we cast down our crowns and honor Jesus. He is worthy.

One encounter with Jesus can change everything. It’s true, but Jesus promises a life filled with His presence. He is more beautiful than our gifts or anything else we consider valuable.

He won’t hold back Himself from anyone who deeply desires Him. People who are hungry for His presence are hungry for Him, not what they can get from Him. Our worship and prayers will transform into a deeper pursuit and adoration of Jesus.

Jesus, bring us down from our high places and receive our attention and adoration!

Feel free to contact me if you wish to learn more about ATFT. All are welcome to these retreats, but they are currently capped at 12. RSVP for the February event! I can’t wait to see you at the Father’s Table.


Embrace Dependency on Jesus - An exhortation to check the posture of our hearts